Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Madonna Inn.

A couple weeks ago David, Lauren, Katie and I went to The Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo for a little vacation. The Madonna Inn is a crazy, silly, amazing Inn with every room being decorated with a different theme, our's being "Barrel Of Fun" which I kept forgetting and calling the Big Windmill Room or something. The room had a fire place, a rock shower (which we decided would be called "The Chokey" when we got there), and not one but two balconies. Oh, and did I mention gold glitter walls!?! We only stayed for a night, but we got to eat at the opulently decorated, pink restaurant, watch cows and horses grazing from said balconies and generally just hang out. I'm already dying to go back so I can stay in a different room!
WARNING: Massive amounts of photos to follow.